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PRP Treatment for Skin - Bethaniya Clinic

The aging process first shows on the face, so people become extremely concerned about rectifying it and use multiple unwarranted methods. There are numerous surgeries that may be required to remove those wrinkles and facial lines that clearly show the person's age. With medical advancements, you can now achieve flawless skin with the help of PRP treatment. PRP treatment, or Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment, is otherwise called a vampire facial. The treatment helps in the clearing of wrinkles by inducing collagen production via micro-needling. This helps effectively improve the overall texture of the skin. The process of PRP treatment for skin was first conducted through the treatment of plastic surgery, and then this was used for wound healing. The high concentration of platelets releases growth factors, and this is the factor that promotes healing. It helps with skin rejuvenation.

How does PRP treatment for Skin work?

PRP treatment for skin cannot be considered a cosmetic treatment as it follows all the principles of a medical procedure. Once the blood is taken to the lab, a centrifuge is spun around the blood sample to extract the protein-rich plasma. The blood that is taken from this process is also used in procedures by orthopedic surgeons and injected directly into the joints to promote a better healing process.

PRP Skin Treatment Procedure

As discussed above, a blood sample is drawn from the arm for this skin procedure. The sample of blood is then transferred to a lab and placed in a test tube. The sample is then centrifuged. This leaves the sample, which is concentrated in platelets. 

The mix, which is filled with platelets and fibrin, is then injected into the skin on the face, hands, neck, etc. This process is popularly known as the "vampire facelift." 

There are two ways in which a PRP skin procedure can be done. The first method is to spread the plasma over the face or any other part of the body, like the neck or hand, with the help of a microneedle. Small pores are made using a sterile needle over the skin, which helps the plasma be absorbed into the skin. This helps stimulate the growth of collagen on the skin.

The next method of PRP treatment for skin is a direct injection of concentrated platelets into the affected area, similar to a filler injection. The vampire facial helps increase the skin's texture by making it effective both on the top of the skin and on the folds of the skin.

Precautions for PRP Skin Treatment

Certain checks must be performed immediately following the PRP rejuvenation treatment on the skin. Let us look into some of the steps:

  • Patient’s face is iced right after the procedure is done. This will help calm down the patient’s skin and it helps dial down the bruises and even the mild burns that might come after the treatment. This will help ease the tension on the face and help the implementation of the injection.
  • Icing on the treated areas will also reduce the swelling if any that has come up after the PRP treatment for skin.
  • The patients also need to consult the doctor if they have sensitive skin. This will help rule out any sorts of side effects that can possibly affect the skin after the PRP treatment.
  • Even if the patient doesn’t have sensitive skin, the chances of swelling and burns are high because of the microneedling process performed during the PRP treatment for skin. So, it will be ideal to take definite breaks between each session of the PRP treatment to give enough time for the skin to heal.
  • Make sure to inform the doctor about the medicines that you are taking. As per the advice of the doctor, you might be required to stop the intake of your medicines for at least 7- 20 days.
  • Rest is an important part of the treatment procedure and the patient is restricted to not take heavy, even petty work at home at least for a few days after the PRP treatment for skin.

Results and Benefits of PRP Skin Treatment

The PRP treatment for skin helps you feel young, and you can start experiencing the fullness of the skin again. Let’s look at the expectations one can receive from undergoing a PRP treatment for skin:

  • Stimulation of Collagen production

There is a definite drop in the collagen production in a person’s body as they age, and by their 30s, it becomes fairly low. If you have unhealthy skin, the main reason could be this reduction in collagen production. PRP treatment for skin can easily help with the natural production of collagen in the body and restore the glow of the skin. The microneedling process leaves small pores on the skin, and the collagen comes to heal them out, thus inducing natural and much stronger collagen on the outer surface of the skin.

  • Plump up the sagging skin

Most people who have undergone PRP treatment for skin have vouched that they were able to see results right after the first session. Even one sitting of the PRP treatment can help reverse the damage to the skin. The microneedling provides pores that stimulate collagen production and tissue regeneration. Over time, there is ample differentiation on the skin, like a facelift, and a much lighter tone. Plasma rich therapy can also be combined with other forms of treatment.

  • Diminish Acne Scars

The scars that are left after acne has popped are a nightmare for both men and women. If you have a lot of acne scars, then PRP treatment for skin is an ideal choice to remove them. The formation of new collagen can help reduce the depressions and marks on the skin, especially on the face.

  • Treat hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition that affects both men and women. Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition in which there are blotchy, dark patches that give the skin an uneven tone. PRP treatment for skin stimulates collagen production, which directly addresses pigmentation and results in an even skin tone on the outside.

PRP After Care

The aftercare for PRP treatment for skin or the vampire facial is as follows:

  • Do not touch the face right after the treatment, you should wait at least 6 hours to touch your face.
  • Sterilize your hand before touching the face. And make sure to clean the face with only lukewarm water and never touch soap to face right after the treatment.
  • Pat dry the skin right after washing it. Do not rub the towel over the face. The skin will retain its suppleness after two weeks. 
  •  There might be some pain after the treatment, and it should subside after sometime. If it doesn’t reduce, then consult the doctor and take a pain reliever at the doctor’s prescription.
  • Icing is the best option to reduce the inflammation to the greatest extent possible.
  • You can use non-chemical moisturizer as prescribed by your doctor that can be applied on the face to reduce the firmness of the skin which can be felt right after the treatment. Wait for 72 hours post-treatment to apply moisturizer.

Why Bethaniya Clinic for PRP Skin Rejuvenation

We, at Bethaniya Clinic, have been rendering our coveted services in skin treatment for a long time now. The experienced doctors who are trained to perform complex procedures are the backbone of our service. The PRP skin treatment has been done by professionals who have expertise, and this ensures that you will be in safe hands during the entire treatment procedure. We prioritize our clients' needs and provide them with comprehensive guidance. Choose Bethaniya Clinic for the most exceptional skin care treatments.



1. What are the advantages of choosing PRP treatment?

  • You might be able to avoid surgery with its assistance.
  • It causes very little damage.
  • Compared to surgery, it provides a speedier deep healing process.
  • Surgery is more painful than this.

2. How long does PRP treatment last?

One session of the PRP treatment lasts for roughly two hours. It depends on the kind of PRP treatment you are choosing.

3. Do PRP injections hurt?

While injecting platelet-rich plasma into the skin, there may be some mild discomfort. It only lasts for a few minutes. If the patient is not ready to suffer any sort of pain, then numbing cream is used to bring down the discomfort.

4. When will the results start being visible?

The results are visible as soon as one or two weeks after the skin treatment.

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