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Liver Cirrhosis Diet

March 28, 2023

Liver health is a crucial element that portrays your overall health. It has indeed become a necessity considering the spike in liver cirrhosis cases in the recent past. Cirrhosis can have a direct effect on the digestion and metabolic processes of a person’s health. The foods that a person consumes regularly can have a lot of impact on their health. As a result, it is critical to understand how to incorporate food into the daily routine and what should be avoided in order to avoid aggravating the current condition. Here’s everything that you need to know about the top Foods for a Cirrhosis-Friendly Diet that are best for your liver's health and the ones that need to go to "don't" list so that you don’t worsen your situation.


According to the general guidelines, there are certain practises that have to be completely avoided for the maximum benefit to the health of your liver.

To begin, complete abstinence from alcohol is required; even a trace amount of alcohol can cause further liver damage. Alcohol can also interfere with the absorption of medications prescribed for liver cirrhosis. 

Second, someone suffering from cirrhosis should limit or moderate their fat consumption. When the liver's functioning is hampered, it actually stops producing bile, which is required to break down the food particles, and foods that contain more fat make it difficult for a damaged liver to process.

Thirdly, the immune function becomes impaired when the liver system is not functioning properly. Raw and undercooked food is not an ideal meal as it may contain different kinds of bacteria that can lead to a serious infection in the body.

As liver cirrhosis can cause malnutrition in the body, there should be a sufficient intake of food to give the body strength to fight infection as the immune system is not functioning to its full potential. So it's important to give more attention to the top foods for a cirrhosis-friendly diet.


What to eat?

When a person is diagnosed with cirrhosis, it requires them to avoid certain food groups completely. This does not mean that the patients will have heavy restrictions; instead, the foods avoided are replaced with foods that are more nutritious and beneficial to the patient with cirrhosis. 

The top foods for a cirrhosis-friendly diet that are recommended by dietitians and medical practitioners include:

Fruits and vegetables: This food group needs to be an important part of the diet structure of a liver cirrhosis patient. Fresh vegetables and fruits will have a positive effect on the body. Canned vegetables are not recommended because they are high in preservatives, sodium, and sugar. Fruits can also be a good addition to the diet, and they can be an ideal snacking option.

Dairy products: these are good for health, but stick to products that aren’t full fat, as it will be hard for the liver to break them down. Low-fat dairy products like low-fat Greek yoghurt and small portions of low-sodium and low-fat cheese Changing from normal milk to dairy-free milk options like almond and soy can help with the better functioning of the liver.

As the liver has limitations in processing fat and sugar, desserts like puddings and ice creams should be avoided completely. 

Grains: Refined and processed white flour has to be avoided in the diet. Instead, more importance has to be given to whole-grain bread, cereals, pasta, brown rice, etc. The diets recommend this switch to avoid taxing the liver while processing foods. Homemade granola bars can be a good option for quick snacks, and make sure not to buy store-bought ones as they are usually high in sugar and sodium.

Proteins: Processed foods like sausages and luncheon meats should not be included in the diet at all costs. Lean protein is the best way if at all you want to incorporate meat into your diet. Lean protein is mainly found in foods like chicken and fish. Eggs and egg whites are good, but make sure not to take in large amounts and limit to one or two intakes a week.

Desserts: Avoid packaged cakes, biscuits, brownies, pancakes, and waffles because they contain a lot of refined sugar, salt, and flour. It is typically good to avoid pastries, doughnuts, and muffins. Homemade desserts that are low in sugar and flour and low in salt can be made at home.

Beverages: As said earlier, alcoholic beverages should be strictly avoided in the diet of liver cirrhosis patients. Water is a hydrating choice, but if you are taking bottled water and are on a low-sodium diet, check the instructions on the bottle. Pasteurised juice and milk should be consumed in moderation. 

The meals have to be taken at regular intervals, as cirrhosis can cause malnutrition. Loss of appetite can make it difficult to have full meals at one time, so having small meals around the clock can make it easier to consume and retain the needed strength. 

The doctors also recommend snacking late at night, as the cirrhosis patients find it difficult to sleep at night and hence are advised to eat something if they feel hungry. but only eat healthy replacements.

How to cook?

It is not just enough to include all these top food groups for a cirrhosis-friendly diet ; how they are incorporated also matters. 

Use very little oil or butter while cooking or grilling vegetables. Always go for boiled vegetables, as they require less oil or butter. 

Sometimes the dietitian might recommend cirrhosis patients go on a low-sodium diet. In this case, the food should include more spices and fresh herbs. If you need salt in your diet, then it will be ideal to ask your doctor for salt alternatives.

There are multiple diversifications when it comes to cirrhosis, so make sure to adapt to dietary changes according to the condition. 

Always avoid raw and uncooked foods, as they can initiate infections in the body.

It's important to note that the top foods for a cirrhosis-friendly diet should also limit foods that can further damage the liver, such as alcohol, processed foods, and high-fat foods. Also there are alternative treatment for cirrhosis that may help manage its symptoms and improve liver function. So good advice from a doctor and a dietitian is the best way to ensure that you eat properly while suffering from cirrhosis. It is the only way to ensure a quick recovery and to help control the disease's progression.

You may also like to read, Diet, Nutrition, And Disease Management

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